Miss Nelson Is Missing!

Summer 2024 / Frisco Discovery Center

Reviews and Feedback

  • "This was one of the funniest plays I've ever seen. Every one of the actors were so good. . . .Take your kids or grandkids to see Miss Nelson is Missing! I promise you will love it and so will they! The production was really cute and they had our attention the entire time. 5 stars for sure! The theater, the set, and the actors were fantastic! It was a great, cool way to spend a hot Texas afternoon! "

    Mila Vincent & Johannah Luza
    DFW CenterStage
    See the full review

  • "Director Charlotte Taylor has put together a really fun, energetic show and, judging by the reactions of the many children in the audience, has a successful hit on her hands. The adults in the audience also seemed to enjoy themselves. I know my friends and I laughed out loud and often!"

    Carol Rice
    Dallas Theatre Journal
    See the full review

  • "Absolutely wonderful! Such a great adaptation of one of my favorite children’s books!!! "

    - Tracy H.

The Cast


Miss Nelson/Miss Viola Swamp: Jamie Gutzler & Katie Purdin / Principal Humeleker & Detective McSmogg: Bryce Hughes & Brian Sullivan


Mouse: Deepti Aravapalli / Lavita: Nicole Delarosa / Elvis: Bee Falcone / Kimberly: Grace Griffiths / Raymond: Simon Heimersson / Phoebe: Adelaide Laurence / George: Josh Nerio


Lorien Lovell - Raymond, Phoebe, Mouse

Noel Nieczyporowicz - Elvis, Kimberly, Lavita

The Creative Team & Crew
Director: Charlotte Taylor / Assistant Director/Stage Manager: Ellie Nunemaker / Assistant Stage Manager: Stephanie Divoky / Costumer: Alison Kingwell / Tech Director: Caleb Ross / Props: Rachel Sullivan / Lighting Ops & Scenic Painting: Morgan McQueen / Sound Design: Zach Purdin / Sound Ops: Zach Purdin & Grayson Schnaible